понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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So im thinking about what im going to do for a job.. .life.. After college, and to be honest i think i was a bit to emo last time i posted so i might delete it...because thas not me thats the old me. The selfish little kid me who didnt want to try at all. I want to try.

so here i am, 21, nooooo iiiidea... Well some idea what i want to do after i graduate, im thinking about moving to get a teaching job in Boltimore for low end schools that need teachers. Its in a really hard neighbor hood but they pay 45,000 a year.. Thats enough to pay off my loans on time, and the car, and rent... And maybe even think about getting married.. Wait... Did i say that? marriage... -sigh-

i dont know... Im in a funk... Send some love. <3


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As I sit here in bed watching Heroes, I wanted to let you know how the day went.

I did get up at 6am, had my eggs and was off to work by 7:30. Reports went off like a charm and the meatings were great. Project #1 was finished by 5pm and I polished of project #2 by 5:45pm.I got home and made the lunch i forgot to take to work as dinner instead. I surfed the internet. Talked to some boys and decided not to talk to others.

I realized I need to work really hard at the gym tomorrow. I feel like I've platued and that at my age I may need to work harder. I realize that my diet needs to improve as well to get me where I want to be.

Tomorrow is always another day and I need to go easy on myself and know that I try. No one is perfect.

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"Habit is thus the enormous flywheel of society, its most precious conservative agent. It alone is what keeps us all within the bounds of ordinance, and saves the children of fortune from the envious uprisings of the poor."
~ William James, "The Principles of Psychology"

Phoenix 4-1-1: Some days I feel my age more than others; however, itapos;s those days I feel my age most fully that make me fear growing older the most.

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Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii, School started today after 7 weeks of slacking I met Jw in school 2 hours before lecture starts. Hahaha bloody tired the bus was damn damn cold -.- Was sitting outside LT while waiting for time to pass �I�saw Jonas�Wow, historical character ever since the birthday BBQ. Wellllll, he looks neater after the haircut, haha :)

PORM lecture is really something like MF, not really listening anyway. Took down what weapos;re supposed to �I was talking, eating��laughing allllll the way. Walau I think Iapos;m very noisy throughout the whole day lehz. Whatapos;s Wal-mart? Walnutapos;s brother HAHAHAHAHA. Okay I�donapos;t think itapos;s funny now :/

Had an hour break �had chop chicken chop chicken chop chicken chop. Whooooo, as nice as always �filling. But walau I think I�swallowed quite some fats down :(�Got the disgusting feeling siaaaa. Still had some time, so went up �saw Jb the rest sitting outside LT. So joined them we talked a lot of rubbish. At some point of time I thought I�was pretty smart. But when it comes to things like piercing, Iapos;m really not smart at all lol, stupid shit, I think I�created a big fat joke.

Had Comm Skills 1 tutorial. Oh my my at first we thought that the teacher was boring. But aye, okay leh. A lot of time wasted on telling her what we did during the holidays -.- the rest going to get the books for her + the 10 mins break. Lesson ended, went opposite school for awhile. Sat at KFC for some catching up then Jw �I�went to PP.

Flew back home Iapos;m feeling so sleepy. So sleepy that I�just wanna lie on my bed to sleep w/o having dinner or thinking about anything. But... Canapos;t leh. I thought things are okay, but looks like heapos;s still angry :( Aiya, shit never mind bye.

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Just yesterday when Iapos;m doing my Sem-ender cleaning, I ran into the very few notes that I had...

"Anyone who is passionate about what�theyapos;re doing is an artist..."

Well then, I sure canapos;t consider myself as an artist. Lol.� But the moment Iapos;ve read this again, I honestly�thought about it, thinking that Iapos;m not passionate about�ANYTHING anymore.� But I wonder why I didnapos;t got disturbed�regarding that fact...Maybe itapos;s just me thinking�too much because of so much boredom...Imagine not getting on the computer for a week now??ARRGGHH� I canapos;t believe Iapos;ll rent a computer ever again.� Iapos;m so gonna kill my sister�when she returned my laptop...I sssoooo misss�Kame and akame fics...T.T����
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воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

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Here is a math problem from the 1977 USSR Math Olympiad:

Let A be a 2n-digit number. We call this number special if it is a square and a concatenation of two n-digits squares. Also, the first n-digit square canapos;t start with zero; the second n-digit square can start with zero, but canapos;t be equal to zero.

  • Find all two- and four-digit special numbers.
  • Prove that there exists a 20-digit special number.
  • Prove that not more than ten 100-digit special numbers exist.
  • Prove that there exists a 30-digit special number.

Obviously, these questions are divided into two groups: show the existence and estimate the bound. Furthermore, this problem can be naturally divided into two other groups. Do you see them? The puzzle about special numbers makes a special day today mdash; you get a four-in-one puzzle.

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Webdav client doesnapos;t work on vista but at least I figure out what the problem on linux. �� It seems there are a lot other people trying to get it work on vista as well.

My problem on linux has to do with setting both svn repository and trac on the same virtual host.� my DocumentRoot for trac and for subversion are different.� So I have to put them on two different virtual hosts.� I�decided to give each virtual host a different port number.�

I found out that I canapos;t use too big of a number.� I think it stop at about 65000 (2^16).� I�donapos;t know if there is a port 0.� Hmm, why so few ports?

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