понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

congregational churches

So im thinking about what im going to do for a job.. .life.. After college, and to be honest i think i was a bit to emo last time i posted so i might delete it...because thas not me thats the old me. The selfish little kid me who didnt want to try at all. I want to try.

so here i am, 21, nooooo iiiidea... Well some idea what i want to do after i graduate, im thinking about moving to get a teaching job in Boltimore for low end schools that need teachers. Its in a really hard neighbor hood but they pay 45,000 a year.. Thats enough to pay off my loans on time, and the car, and rent... And maybe even think about getting married.. Wait... Did i say that? marriage... -sigh-

i dont know... Im in a funk... Send some love. <3


daubert industries, congregational churches, congregational churches canada, congregational churches ct.

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