суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

ebay auction bid snipe software

Re-execution of the protocol from Wed (which failed from beginning to end)... TWICE... Failed TWICE for me. Didn't fail for the developer. But I'm uber-annoyed and refusing to execute it again. I know I did it correctly. I don't know why it didn't work for me but did for him. Someone else can redo it and put their name on it as working.. .ain't gonna be me

So I'm outta here... Off to pick up Adrian and then head back to Huntington Beach for Julie's Bday party / Oktoberfest. I hear that the event is pretty lame at this venue but will still be packed. I'm designated driver for me and A... Which is prob a good thing. Will be the first time I've seen Julie since summer and the first time I've seen Kim since... Last year? It will be interesting to have a night out with Adrian. I really enjoy hanging with him but he has a rep of being a bad drunk. I've always assumed the real problem was his partner being a bad sober, and starting problems cause he's annoyed that A is drunk, but guess I'll find out the truth tonight.

Might swing by the S Factor open house tomorrow. Not sure. I want more info about the 1-hr classes but I could look it up at home. Used to be able to look it up at work but 1-hr after I visited the site, it was blocked as "R Rated". Since when is a fully-clothed workout site "R Rated"?? But YouTube isn't?? I call BS

>> some kind of german toast here << Will take pics if anything interesting occurs.

cleans itself, ebay auction bid snipe software, ebay auction bidder, ebay auction bidding.

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